Songs Jamrud - Akustikan (Full Album 2015) downloaded here with the note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original in Original CD stores in your place. and do not forget to use this song as a ring tone on your phone.
Artist: Jamrud -
Album : Akustikan
Released: 2015
01. Selamat Ulang Tahun
02. Berakit Rakit
03. Pelangi Dimatamu
04. Putri
05. Telat 3 Bulan
06. Asal British
07. Rasa Cinta Padamu
08. Surti Tejo
09. Dokter Suster
10. Kabari Aku
11. Baywatch
12. Aku vs. Jam Weker
13. Ciaat
14. Maaf
15. 1+2+3=GILA
16. Bayang Dirimu (Bayangan) [New Track]
17. Selamat Tinggal [New Track]
18. Reuni Mantan... Lalala