Kata kata Hikmah
merupakan suatu kata yang bisa membuat kita lebih tenang lagi, apalagi
kita sedang mengalami kesusahan dan sedang membutuhkan suatu nasehat.
Kata hikmah sendiri rofiqsr news belum tahu apa maksud sebenarnya dan makna
dibalik itu semua, jadi apabila teman-teman yang tahu tentang hal ini
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Agar kalian semua tidak bosan dengan ocehan diatas jadi lebih baik silahkan saja langsung baca Kata kata Hikmah dibawah ini dan coba renungkan sendiri mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi obat yang manjur bagi semuanya tentunya untuk admin rofiqsr news sendiri.
Bagaimana anda sudah lebih memahami hidup ini dan bisa dijalankan apa yang sudah dituliskan diatas! mudah-mudahan kita semua bisa mendapat apa yang kita inginkan dan apa yang kita peroleh bisa bermanfaat, terima kasih sudah membaca postingan rofiqsr news tentang Kata-kata Hikmah.
Agar kalian semua tidak bosan dengan ocehan diatas jadi lebih baik silahkan saja langsung baca Kata kata Hikmah dibawah ini dan coba renungkan sendiri mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi obat yang manjur bagi semuanya tentunya untuk admin rofiqsr news sendiri.
Dare to live must have the courage to face problems, do not be afraid and do not be afraid, face right and tawakal, for every problem God has been measured according to our abilities.
Dishonest is the prison, which make themselves gripped by fear uncovered, it is easy to lie, any favors will not enjoy too, so honest is independent living.
There will now be a sad and restless hearts. Do not let it dissolve and steal our lives, get out, be busy, Associate with people who benefit and multiply remembrance.
A clean heart will be sensitive to science, whatever is seen, heard, felt so ocean science that makes it more wise, prudent and appropriate in dealing with this life
Spontaneous comments we might just one word, but it can hurt and cause deep resentment, therefore beware though only a single word.
It's impossible everyone will like us - although we do good as much as possible. Needless weird and disappointed, just keep doing the best, because that's who return to us.
Emotional attitude is characteristic not yet skilled at self-control. How can it be to control other people very well, if less self-control.
Courage to say no to that idea would not know much more calm and respected rather than always want to appear all-knowing or knowingly
Conflict usually occurs because I am right and you wrong, give a chance to say our hearts right and he too may be true, God willing, will easily find a solution.
The person most noble among men is one of the most widely remembrance of death and the most prepared to deal with the provision of good deeds.
Patience ... it does not mean procrastinate.
Patience ... means taking action NOW, which will bring results in the future.
Patience ... It is best to focus on results rather than on the quickest or easiest.
Patience ... is understood that the long journey to have the result that long anyway.
It is not something changed if it does not begin to act, and when is the most appropriate time to start it if not today.
When trouble comes, you will become more peaceful .. if you think is ... a way out of trouble, not imagery of the suffering that you will experience. "
It takes time to produce the best, but you personally will enjoy the results. Not others.
Bagaimana anda sudah lebih memahami hidup ini dan bisa dijalankan apa yang sudah dituliskan diatas! mudah-mudahan kita semua bisa mendapat apa yang kita inginkan dan apa yang kita peroleh bisa bermanfaat, terima kasih sudah membaca postingan rofiqsr news tentang Kata-kata Hikmah.