Songs OM. Nirwana New Desember 2012 can be downloaded here with the note that this song just for promotion. So please feel free to purchase legal MP3 or CD / VCD original in Original CD stores in your place. and do not forget to use this song as a ring tone on your phone.
01. Aku Cemburu - Rindi Antika
02. Buka Sitik Joss - Dewi Nilamsari
03. Dont Worry - Maya Sari
04. Gadis Nirwana - Neo Sari
05. Hitap Putih - Elsa Safira
06. Kumpul Kebo - Dewi Nilamsari
07. Langit Runtuh - Maya Sari
08. Prei Togel - Aries Aglies
09. Secawan Madu - Aries Aglies
10. Oplosan
11. Wedi Karo Bojomu - Neo Sari
12. Ojo Lali - Elsa Safira